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Even if in a smaller size, the issue "0" of this journal appears in order to give at least a taste of the topics which shall be faced: aspects of every day life, production and trades, both urban and rural landscape. Papers and contributions will be also listed, and considered according to the new methods and problems of Medieval Archaeology. Moreover, each issue will include reports on coferences, books, exhibitions, news about excavations and any other information generally referring to Italian Archaeology. Accordingly, this issue would have to be regarded as a real example of the various approaches of Medieval Archaeology. This difference is tied, on the one hand, to the variety of provenance of the communication's authors who usually work with different Universities, foreign archaeological Institutions in Italy, and archaelogical associations; on the other, this very difference is connected with the particular points of view, ranging from the traditional themes such as topography or ecclesistical buildings, to other scientific disciplines such as paleopathology; moreover, the difference is about the diverging methods chosen to explane the results of investigations. By emphasizing the importance of differences, it would be possible at the same time to recognize the particularity of each branch of the archaeological studies, and to enrich the common and general evaluation through the results of these single branches of Archaeology.
Papers and contributions are always welcome.

Francesca Zagari

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